The Haunting of Bly Manor Wiki
The Haunting of Bly Manor Wiki

Two Storms is the sixth episode of The Haunting of Hill House.


It's a reunion for all the wrong reasons when Hugh flies in for the funeral, coming face to face with his estranged children on a dark, stormy night.


Hugh hears a loud crashing sound, and comes downstairs from a side hall to find the chandelier on the ground. Olivia comes down the main staircase, and Hugh asks where she was. She says that she was just wandering. The twins come down after her.

Hugh Crain arrives and sees his children and Kevin at the Harris Funeral Home.

In the then, the other children join their parents and siblings in the main hall. It begins to hail and they hear a window break upstairs. Shirley Crain joins them: it was her window they heard breaking. Hugh Crain and Steven Crain leave. The power goes out.

At the funeral home, Hugh reminisces upon the letters Nell used to write to Santa as a child, never asking for anything for herself. The siblings argue and it's revealed that both Theodora Crain and Kevin took money from Steve. Shirley finds that buttons have been placed on Nellie's eyes, and demands to know who did it.

The parents look for Nellie. Olivia opens a door to see the ghost of a boy in an old-style manual wheelchair. She disappears and Hugh sees her walking away. He calls out to her but she doesn't respond. He follows her, but she seems never to be where he saw her last, almost as if she were teleporting. The windows begin exploding. Hugh sees her standing in front of a big picture window at the top of the grand staircase, just before it explodes. He turns away to protect his face, but when he turns back, the window isn't broken and Liv isn't there anymore. He finally finds her sitting in a hallway. He asks what she was doing and she tells him, vaguely, that she was "having the strangest dream". The kids begin screaming, and both parents rush downstairs.

The children say a big dog was in the house and that it had glowing red eyes. Steven says he didn't see any glowing red eyes, but that the dog went towards the kitchen. Hugh begins to go there, but his flashlight starts to sputter. He notices Nellie, and runs towards her instead.

In the now, Steven and Hugh argue and Nell's casket falls to the ground. The power inside of the house goes out, and the family separates to do their own things.

Shirley goes into the basement to try and find the generator. As she enters a closet, she finds her husband embracing Theodora. Before they could explain, Shirley slams the door and leaves.

In the then, the family finally finds Nellie. She insists that she had been shouting and crying for them but that they couldn't see her. Luke promises never to leave her alone again, and turns away from her casket.



  • When Shirley asked Steve where their dad was, Steve said Hugh was at the hotel and kept changing clothes. Later when Hugh arrived at Shirley's mortuary, he appears in a blue shirt and jeans similar to the ones he wore the night they all fled from Hill House.



Site Navigation[]

Episodes of The Haunting of Hill House
"Steven Sees a Ghost" • "Open Casket" • "Touch" • "The Twin Thing" • "The Bent-Neck Lady" • "Two Storms" • "Eulogy" • "Witness Marks" • "Screaming Meemies" • "Silence Lay Steadily"